In Store Visibility Program | Visibility share – Retail-Scan

Availability Visibility Index

Today it is not only enough for your brands to be simply available in a store, how they are available and where they are available inside the store are equally important. There are specific In Store Visibility Strategies used by companies so that their products have a higher level of visibility. As the age old adage in sales goes "Joh dikhta hai....woh bikta hai. Joh zyada dikhta hai, woh zyada bikta hai".

Visibility is a combination of many a things. Starting from the frontage of the store, to the store location on a road, to measuring comparative availability and even impact of various visibility elements vis-a-vis competition... marketers are increasingly becoming inquisitive about how effectively their own set of outlets are communicating with customers from a

visibility standpoint, also known as Retail Shelf space Management. So much so...making the core brands/SKUs visible at hotspot areas is no longer an option for consumer companies. Today, it is a basic hygiene factor. Be it paid window display or branded cooler, be it a poster, dangler or parasite rack, be it a counter top or multi-brand unit, or be it a co-branded dealer board; even the largest of companies with leading market share cannot afford to think of a marketing budget without substantial visibility spends. Unfortunately, in spite of investing a significant amount of money annually on visibility, most of the companies do not have an objective understanding of the efficacy of these investments on an ongoing basis. At best, they are reactive measures to justify the spends.

By way of its engagement with various companies across industry sectors, Retail Scan has created a comprehensive Visibility Indexing Model across various trade channels. Each outlet under the retail visibility payout program and its trends are monitored at every level to measure the efficacy of client's specific marketing initiatives from time to time with respect to competition. Highly effective for Retail audit, the model has been implemented by several consumer companies in India.

What Retail Scan Brings to the table:

  • Specially trained auditors to undertake compliance audit from consumer point of view.
  • Every data is supported by relevant images.
  • Data undergoes 4 levels of validation before being taken up for analysis.
  • 99.9% Data accuracy and 100% data authenticity from month 1 onwards.

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